Welcome to

DelawareKidsCAN is a nonprofit education advocacy organization to empower, mobilize and collaborate with everyday Delawareans to advocate for a high-quality education system.

Our Vision

An education system that prioritizes what students need to succeed and thrive over adult convenience and special interests.

Our Mission

DelawareKidsCAN is dedicated to fostering student success through strategic advocacy and impactful lobbying efforts. Our mission is to actively engage with policymakers, educators and the community to champion transparent, equitable and innovative education policies. By tirelessly lobbying for student-centric initiatives and fostering a collaborative environment, we aim to create a transformative educational landscape that empowers every student in Delaware to thrive academically, equitably and with the skills needed for a successful future. We must be urgent in our approach to creating the type of education system students deserve. Our kids can’t wait.

Believe in Better

The local advocacy campaigns across the 50CAN network are based in states all across the country, from Hawaii to Georgia, and Connecticut to Louisiana. Despite the differences in local contexts, our campaigns are united in working to deliver on 5 promises to America’s children:

The education that’s right for you.
Tutoring and care for every student.
A world of open and connected learning.
A family’s right to know what’s working.
A clear path to the career you choose.


Actionable and Transparent School Quality Information
A Family’s Right to Choose the Education Option That’s Right for Them
Recognize and Value Alternative Learning

Learn more about our goals and wins
