2022 Policy Goals
by Britney Mumford, 50CAN
February 2, 2022

The Future of K-12 Education in Delaware

Delaware families and students have braved immense challenges and upheaval over the last two years. While these challenges have certainly highlighted the resilience of our students and families, they have also exposed the severe inequities that exist in the Delaware Education landscape. To that end, DelawareCAN will continue building toward an education system guided by transparency and access and where all families can choose the academic path that is right for them. In 2022 we will focus on erasing the decades of inequities that have turned education into a system of winners and losers by creating access for every student to the resources they need. We will break down the walls that have for too long existed between families and the information they need to make informed decisions. We will design programs that give all students access to the technology and services they need to compete in tomorrow’s world. We know that learning doesn’t happen in a vacuum; the future of American education is no longer confined to the walls and classrooms of a single school building. Our 2022 priorities capitalize on the lessons learned and our belief that by working together we can build a better system that works for every family.

The education that’s right for you, because every student learns differently.

✓ Taking Next Steps to Reform Delaware’s School Funding Formula from a Unit-based System
✓ Ensure educational equity for families across Delaware by outlining in law expectations, engagements and options
✓ Defend against any bill that will negatively affect ability for charter schools to effectively plan their budget


A world of open and connected learning, so you have the tools you need to strengthen your community and succeed in life.

✓ Designate broadband access as an essential utility


A family’s right to know what’s working – it’s all about accountability.

✓ Codify language requiring districts to report how they spend federal money


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