Atnreakn Alleyne is former state education administrator who runs the nonprofit Delaware Campaign Achievement Now, which advocates for high-quality education for all kids.
After reviewing the results and the state’s news release headlined “assessment results hold steady,” Alleyne said he’s disturbed that his former office and the administration of Gov. John Carney want to “spin the results in a way that is more political speak’’ than the way “everyday people’’ would view the lackluster performance.
“You can look at businesses that our governor and leadership for that matter are trying to attract here to bring jobs and opportunity and technology,’’ Alleyne said. “If they heard these results and heard us saying we are making steady progress year over year with 44 percent proficient in math, I also think that’s laughable.”
Delaware school test scores mostly stagnant; SAT results drop
By: Cris Barrish at WHYY
Published on: August 1, 2018
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