Teachers union president Mike Matthews resigns amid sexist, racist blog post backlash
By: Adam Duvernay at The Delaware News Journal
Published on: October 11, 2018

On Oct. 11, 2018, The Delaware News Journal published an article by Adam Duvernay on the resignation of DSEA President Mike Matthews, and quoted DelawareCAN Executive Director Atnre Alleyne:

Delaware education advocacy nonprofit DelawareCAN Executive Director Atnre Alleyne condemned Matthews’ blog posts in a statement issued before the DSEA meeting.


“There is no place for the type of commentary found on DSEA President Mike Matthews’ old blog in our society, and especially in our education system,” Alleyne said. “His remarks demean women, insult minorities and religious beliefs and joke about child molestation and gang rape. Whether these comments were made a decade ago or a day ago, they need to be met with strong repudiation and repercussions.”


Alleyne is a former Delaware Department of Education staffer.

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