Task force on consolidation eyes school administrator costs
By: Melissa Steele at The Cape Gazette
Published on: May 1, 2018
On April 30, The Cape Gazette published an article by Melissa Steele regarding school administrator salaries, and cited DelawareCAN Executive Director Atnre Alleyne:

The number of administrators a school receives is determined by a state formula based in part on the number students enrolled. A formula using years of service, college degrees and post-graduate education is used to determine salaries for educators and administrators.


Atnre Alleyne, executive director of DelawareCAN, recently produced an interactive tool to explore Delaware education salaries.


“The national conversation and local conversation about teacher’s salaries prompted me to put it together,” Alleyne said.


DelawareCAN’s salary tool at https://delawarecan-data.shinyapps.io/de_teacher_salary_dashboard uses blue dots to represent teacher salaries, red dots for administrators and green for Department of Education positions. Viewers can click on one district or compare a few or all districts in the state. The site also gives salary information by school.

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